Contact Center Upgrades Coming for Your Avaya System

Avaya has announced their 2019 game plan to harmonize your existing premise systems with innovative cloud services. The objective is to make it easier for you to take advantage of the latest capabilities at your own pace. Avaya’s plan is to roll out new capabilities in ‘small, manageable’ chunks. You’ll have more flexibility in deploying features that make sense for you.

Make Every Customer Experience a Great One with a Better Contact Center

For example, this summer Avaya is revving up a new routing platform that will fast track your customer satisfaction. Your customers will be able to choose fast and efficient self-service on the channels they prefer, with an agent available to help as needed. Your agents will become more responsive, delivering relevant information from a consolidated desktop view.

Avaya is putting machine learning and AI to work to drive better outcomes for your business. The new technology can match and pair your customers with the best agents so that you can increase revenue, agent performance and satisfaction across the board.

Whatever deployment path you take – premise, cloud or a mix of both – MABC and Avaya can help improve your customer experience.

Call us today… Portsmouth: (757) 673-2200, Richmond: (804) 273-6500 or